George Striftaris

50 x 70 cm on dibond

In the Summer of 2011 when, along with George Tsitiridis and Aris Batsioulas, we were working on the first issue of FAGAZINE, we jointly took the risk of using as front page an image I had recently produced that was likely to cause a commotion. The only thing we cared about was to do what we thought was needed; going against the grain of current commercial views of what a magazine ought to be like in order to be well liked by all. I recall that that image was lauded my many but also shocked many.  Others embraced the issue and others were too embarrassed to even leaf through it. As for us, we reveled in the thrill of mischief, like naughty children do.

Now, a year after my friend’s Menelas’ invitation to take part in the underground queer group exhibition he’d be organizing, Civil Disobedience: Poetry and Porn along with other select artists, I wondered what it was that I might present.

The exhibition explores the duality of human nature in relation to the axis between Pornography and Poetry. A syllogism on dualities: poetry – pornography, heart – body, love-making – sex, art – pornography, feelings – instincts, words – images, refined – vulgar.

Considering all these are tangled and free-flowing in my mind, I thought this was the ideal piece to offer.

Those who visit the exhibition will see it in a 50x70cm inkjet print, mounted on dibond.

It will give me great joy to meet with you there.

(SEE FULL TEXT AT)  My participation in Civil Disobedience: Poetry and Porn exhibition